28 janv. 2012

missed Korondo 9d's Bday

                                             picture with Won seogjin winner of the 16th samsung cup

Korondo 9d (kim youngsam) was born on the 27th  i was supposed to be back on the 26th right for his birthday but i have problems with visa so have to wait till 2nd

13 janv. 2012

Kaya.gs the future of Internet Baduk


Patricio and Gabriel are web developers trying to raise funds to create Kaya.gs,Social Go Server; a place where Go players can enjoy the game and the community can participate actively in spreading Go.
Gabriel Benmergui is a 6-Dan level player with over 9 years of experience in the game. Kaya.gs is born from his desire to make Go more accesible and popular and to make it much better and easier for players to share their experiences and knowledge.

1 janv. 2012

Back in India

I came back in india for 2weeks because i could not make the 1year visa in korea sadly :(
anyway the results are showing from 3d to 5d on kgs in 3 month i think it's pretty decent for me :)
hope I can keep improving at this speed and reach 9d at the end of the year :D

THANK  you BIBA for these 3months